
Showing posts from December, 2018


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Eating In Moderation For Your Kid

A very blatant phrase is often used by the health care providers stating ‘Moderation is the key’. Coaching about healthy and moderation eating right from the beginning, helps a growing child to keep health as his prime focus as he grows up. It is said that first 6 years of child’s life are like a sponge and whatever is taught during this time, is going to remain throughout his life. With increasing cases of childhood obesity, eating disorders, comfort eating and stress, eating in moderation is something which should be started at a very young age, before the child understands the relationship between body, food and mind. Moderation eating? How will it help my growing child? In a country like India, where every occasion is celebrated with a variety of delicious but not-so-healthy food items, and where children are insisted to have more laddoos even when they are full, eating in moderation should be practiced by every family. Teaching children right from a start and controlling p

9 Natural Ways To Help You Get Pregnant With PCOS

Hormone Game or a Lifestyle Problem? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or Disorder, as abbreviated PCOS/PCOD occurs in 1 every 10 women of reproductive age. It is often associated with high levels of male hormones (androgens) in female blood stream. To put in simple words, it is a hormone game, which decides the fate of pregnancy. Not all women suffering from this imbalance are infertile, but PCOS is definitely one of the contributing factors. PCOS can be managed, not reversed. Due to excess of hormonal imbalance and increased levels of male hormones, the disorder is often associated with unexplained weight gain (Obesity) ,irregularity in menstrual cycles,acne,mood swings, facial hair(hirsutism) ,depression and sometimes development of T2DM. In PCOS, there could be development of multiple cysts in the ovaries which can make the process of natural conception difficult, but not impossible. It should be understood that women with PCOS , can conceive naturally if followed a disciplined l

5 Foods To Keep Your Kids Healthy In Winter

With winters approaching, nutrition plays an integral part in maintaining good health. Out of all the seasons, winters are supposed to be the most nutritionally apt one with wide range of food option available around. Winter is an actual and most favourable season to introduce good quality fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet, also due to drop in temperature the risk of illness are quite low and hence a good season to improve overall immunity. Winter foods are usually immunity boosters and clean enough for the children to get optimal nutrition. The varieties of dried fruits, green vegetables and fresh fruits available during chilly weather have a very progressive impact on overall growth and development. Food options available during winter are at par with respect to quality and nutrients load. The below food list if introduced during winters, can actually accelerate child’s growth and immunity. 1. Jaggery: –  Jaggery or Gur is widely used in Indian Cuisine. It is an exce